Monday, May 14, 2007

From Arkansas

I snuck away from the grandparents (all 4 of them) to burn a CD of pictures. Here are a few of what we are up to.
Great Grandad Gardner, Gavin, and Grandpa Bill are completely enjoying the thousandth picture of the day!
Gavin and I spend a lot of time playing. It's so nice to be on vacation and only be concerned about playing with Gavin and listening to stories from the old folks. I'm completely enjoying myself.
MaryAnne is a wonderful photographer...always catching me in motion, catching the action!
Gavin has spent a lot of time just chilin with Grandpa. He's made himself quite at home here in Arkansas. I've had a run in with a tic, poison ivy, and the humidity, but still love Arkansas.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Hey, wow, pics in the middle of a trip! Thanks for sharing! :) I'm so glad you got to go see Grandad & Grandmom and Arkansas...Gavin does look like he's enjoying all the attention, huh? Your hair looks really good in that picture, too, by the way!! How was Gavin on the airplane this time??