Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Leaving the Pacific Northwest...

Seeing Japan for the first time in my life was pretty neat. On the northernmost point as we were flying in I could spot windmills all up and down the coast. I love windmills. I must have been exhausted because at first I thought the whitecaps on the waves were seagulls/white birds that kept diving into the water... that was why they were disappearing. Ya... I got to see a Japanese Golf Course, Japanese Target, really neat to fly in on a clear sunny day. Again, I must have been exhausted - once I was through security and walking to my gate I saw a neat display of folded paper and thought wow - this reminds me of The Paper Store in Bellevue - it's amazing the neat things that can be made from paper folding. Then about 3 minutes later read the sign and remembered the Oragami that is famous in Japan.
I slept in the airport so I'd have my brains back by the time I got to work in Makati. :)

Our flight took us over the Alaskan Aleutian Islands - beneath the clouds - hard to see in pictures.

The Pacific Northwest is so gorgeous - I've always loved Mt. Baker. I could see it out my window working in Everett... loved viewing it when I lived in Bellingham.... and from a high peak seeing from Mt. Rainier to Mt. Baker... there are not many things that are more lovely.

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