Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Gavin's Gavinism Today

Mom - I'm (happy) you pick me up. We need Safeway and we need Costco (pronounced kah-ko). We need yogurt. We need strawberry yogurt and we need muffins. We need chocolate muffins at Costco and we need yogurt - the strawberry kind. And we need bananas but we need bananas at Safeway. Three things, Mom. Because I'm three chocolate muffins at costco and at Safeway we need yogurt and bananas. and that's all.

Yes, this was the first thing out of his mouth when we left preschool. That is pretty much word for word how it went down. As I'm nodding and sighing and cracking up.

Thankfully, he settled on going home and playing stickers on the kitchen floor while I did dishes from Monday and made spaghetti. I forgot how hard it is to keep up with housework when working so much.

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