Saturday, November 04, 2006

November Arrived....

Well, It's November, Gavin turns 10 months in 2 days! He is standing but not walking yet and a really healthy, happy baby. I hope he starts to walk before it snows so we can go play in it! I still love my new job; I'm so lucky to have such a great place to work. We are excited for a road trip to Monterrey in a few weeks to see Uncle Steven and I can't wait until Christmas! I think Gavin is going to have a great time unwrapping presents. I've heard that kids his age don't pay as much attention to the present as to the wrapping so I intend to wrap some of his favorite toys now and have him unwrap them along with new toys. Someday he'll laugh at that. We can go to parks now! Gavin loves the swing! I love that he's up off the ground so I don't have to continuously pull bark out of his mouth.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I'm so jealous that you can go to a park in November! Gavin looks like he's enjoying himself!