Gavin at the park... we go to a park in Kirkland with a Train - he likes that one. About half the time after I pick him up from daycare we'll go to a park- weather permitting of course...

Before the Mariners Game - he was SO excited to go see BASEBALL!!!

Well... the game was kinda lame - but we had fun anyways watching the balls- and yelling Hit or Miss He also really liked the boat race on TV. They do a hydroplane around Lake Washington filler spot between innings. He continued to ask for "More Boat!"
What else... Gavin has learned to say "me go first"... that's been fun. He also is one of the smartest kids I know. This weekend we were going somewhere and he started saying 'no jill no jill' because it was Saturday... and he knew that he wasn't supposed to go to Daycare with Jill that day. I had to assure him that we weren't going to Jill's... we were just going down the same road. How does a 2 year old know from a spot on the freeway that we're nearing the daycare exit? Very perceptive. He does the same thing when I take a different exit to go home. He starts getting upset, instructing me to go home go home... as if I was taking him somewhere else. Funny boy.