Monday, December 10, 2007

Post 100

It really is my 100th post... and it's a boring one! I'll have to edit later...

Boring only for lack of pictures. I sent my charger to China with Steven (my brother) so I used up the battery juice I had left and now have to wait until his return to get to charge my battery and take more pictures... or buy a new one. :( Anyways, the fun stuff...
I moved into my townhouse, bought my first home YAY!
It's fabulous and I love the space.
I have a Christmas tree up and Gavin doesn't mess with it at all other then to walk right up and lean over and stare at the lights. It makes my house smell good. I'm almost done painting my room, I'm about 80% unpacked and settled. It's fun.
I'm excited for Christmas, still working on Christmas cards.
Work is going well... we're about to release again which is always exciting and stressful.
Gavin is good, has had some flu last week (ew) creating lots of laundry for me. Oh well.
He likes his puzzles and Barney... and Shamu. He still loves whales and Shamu...ever since Sea World. I'd love to go back ASAP!
Pictures to come, we're both lovely as ever, trust me! :)


Rebecca said...

Actually, according to blogger's records you have 59 posts this year and 37 posts last year which only adds up to 96 according to my math--so you can plan a very cool 100th post still if you want, like with giveaways and pictures and videos and sound effects and top-secret announcements and early-bird specials and ... oh, wait, that's Black Friday I think...

Stacey Says said...

You're RIGHT! They count the saved drafts I think... Sometimes I do get ready to post things and never do.. the joys of distraction. I'm retarded!

Rebecca said...

No, you're not retarded, just distracted. And I do think they count the saved drafts--so if you go publish them, it will be 100!